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How to Schedule a Zoom Meeting

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2024-04-10 19:50:43 • Abgelegt unter: Reseller • Bewährte Lösungen

Zoom meeting is so popular because to begin with, it offers a free version, but also because its features are designed to make the creation and scheduling of meetings super easy. With Zoom Meeting, you can easily schedule and then invite others to the meeting using a unique link that you can share with attendees via email or any other way. In this article, we are going to show you how to schedule a Zoom meeting as well as share with you a better alternative to Zoom.

How to Schedule a Zoom Meeting

Scheduling a meeting using Zoom is a very simple process. Just follow these simple steps to do it:

Step 1: Open the Zoom client on your computer and then click on the "Schedule" icon (the one that looks like a calendar)

Step 2: The scheduler window will open and you can go through the following checklist to ensure that you schedule the meeting correctly:

  • Topic - Enter the topic or name for the meeting. This can be anything that you will remember.
  • Start - this is where you select the time and date for the meeting. The meeting can start any time before this scheduled time.
  • Duration - In this section you choose the approximate duration of the meeting. Keep in mind that this is not meant to restrict the meeting in any way; your meeting will not end after the length of time chosen here.
  • Time Zone - Zoom will automatically detect the time zone on your computer. You can select a different time zone from the drop-down menu.
  • Recurring Meeting - This is where you select whether you want the meeting to recur. If you do, all meetings will have the same meeting ID.
  • Video - In this section you can choose if you would like the host video on/off or the participants' video on/off.
  • Audio - You should choose here if you would like users to use telephone only, computer audio or both.

There are also additional advanced options that you can use to further customize the meeting. For example, you can choose to allow participants to join before the host or even password-protect the meeting.

Step 3: Once you are happy with all the settings, click "Schedule" to finish and then open your preferred calendar service to add the meeting.

How to Schedule a Meeting with the Best Zoom Alternative - ClickMeeting

While Zoom Meeting a great solution when you need to create and schedule meetings, there is a better alternative, one that can make the process that much easier. This is ClickMeeting, one of the best video conferencing a webinar solutions in the market. With this tool you can easily schedule meetings and share them with your participants. We'll share with you how to schedule a meeting using ClickMeeting is a second. But before that, let's begin by taking a look at some of the tool's features:

zoom schedule a meeting
  • It is particularly useful for product demos and marketing, it superior video and audio quality making it the best way to share your message with your audience.
  • It is also designed to make it easy for you to offer online training courses and sessions to your students.
  • It also offers the most ideal solution for collaborations and to join and create meetings very easily.
  • ClickMeeting has one of the best pricing options to allow you to scale your webinars as your audience grows.

Here's how you can use ClickMeeting to schedule a meeting:

Step 1: Open the Schedule Page

Open ClickMeeting and log into your account. Click on the "Schedule" tab at the top of the page.

how to schedule a zoom meeting

Choose whether you want to "Host a meeting" or "Schedule a webinar". Click on "Meet Later" and the schedule the meeting room will open.

how to schedule zoom meeting for someone else

Step 2: Choose the Room Name

In this schedule page, enter the room name in the field marked "Room Name". This name will be a part of the room's URL address.

how to start a scheduled zoom meeting

Step 3: Enable Phone Access

If you would like the attendees to join the meeting by phone, check "enable phone access". A phone number you can use will be displayed here and also included in the email invites you send to the attendees.

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Step 4: Enter the Lobby Message and Description

In the field marked "Lobby message" enter a message that will be displayed while the attendees wait for the meeting to start.

In the field marked "Description" type in a small description of the meeting. This description will be displayed on the registration page.

zoom schedule a meeting

Step 5: Pick a Time & Date

In the "When will this meeting take place" section, choose a time and date for the meeting.

how to schedule a zoom meeting

Step 6: Duration

Select the desired duration for your meeting. It can be between 1-3 hours and will be displayed in the registration page and invitations.

how to schedule zoom meeting for someone else

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Noah Hofer

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